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me, myself and us
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Hunnuh's Drying Well Of Deep Thought
Tuesday, 2 November 2004
Analyzing people
Topic: journal
I have a lot to write about, but I've got to know how to be smart about it. There's no big THING going on that I haven't already been commenting here, rather a myriad of little going-ons that I would like to include in my journal. After all, I might find pleasure or learn something in reading this when time has passed.

About the dream Hidden Rooms, I got a solid explanation from a friend: motherhood might be the hidden room that has always been in me but has never been explored and there are useful things to be found in myself yet...

A lot of friends are going through change: some are moving to new apartments and some just reflecting their past and exploring their dreams. Fulfilling dreams is also a theme this fall. Dreams that are work-related, life-long or very fragile. Some are going to fulfill their dreams with their current partners but I'm not sure everyone will.

Sometimes me and my husband cannot agree about our friends. I think people need to be relly mean to me before I can see anything bad in them. I detect flaws, of course, but it's just that I have so many of them myself. How could I reject someone that wants to be my friend only because they have flaws? I might have to confront some issues sooner or later about their conduct.

There are certainly some issues in the partnership of a couple near to us. I can understand why they are together, but that doesn't mean they are good for each other.

Posted by hunnuh at 1:03 PM
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Tuesday, 26 October 2004
Hidden rooms
Topic: dream
Last night I found a hidden food lift in my parents basement. I've found hidden rooms there often in my dreams, once even a world-wide mormon crypt that was lined in deep blue velvet that spread as far as the eye can reach. That time there was a trap door under the fireguard plate on their living room floor. But I digress...

You could easily fit in the food lift. I think it went up, although I don't understand where to, because there would be actual rooms above my parents' basement. Anyway, there were big, abandoned rooms there, with nailed-shut [umpeennaulatut] windows, the sun managing to come through a little bit giving streaks of light.

It was used as a storage, and I remember finding a blue mangling machine standing on it's own feet and thinking that I shall take it to my new home. The dream was coherent with reality in the way that I was in the middle of building a new home with my husband. I don't remember being pregnant in the dream though.

Feeling: kind of eerie and surprised, also a bit disappointed that I wasn't aware of this earlier.

Posted by hunnuh at 5:56 PM
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Saturday, 23 October 2004
Visiting the doctor
I went to a communal doctor's check-up this week and again everything was OK. It was nice to hear the swift heartbeat again. I'm 16 and a half weeks pregnant now and waiting for a communal ultrasound in 4 weeks. Haven't been to an ultrasound since week 10.

Posted by hunnuh at 12:19 AM
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Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: a compilation for my friend
Topic: me, myself and us
Voi herramujee naita mammalehtia! Oi autuutta kuinka tuleekin hyva olo kun niita lukee... onneksi ei tarvinnut tastakaan ilosta maksaa.

2+ Odotus - odottajan oma lehti, s. 33:
"Myos paino nousee, ja 16. viikolla aiti on noin 2-3 kiloa pulskempi kuin ennen raskautta. Han itse tietaa, etta alavatsalle on noussut pieni kumpare, mutta ulkopuoliset eivat pyoristymista ehka viela huomaa."

Mita paskaa. Jos olisin tarpeeksi tyhma kuvitellakseni jokaisen raskauden olevan noin samanlainen, ma kirjoittaisin mammalehteen seuraavasti:

"Alkuraskauteen liittyva kuvotus ei hellita kuin pitamalla verensokerit korkealla jatkuvasti. Aidin on nassutettava jotakin kaloripitoista vahintaan tunnin valein pystyakseen toimimaan normaalisti tyoelamassa. Mielihalut vaihtelevat rasvaisen lihapiirakan ja suklaan valimaastossa, iltaisin maistuu jaatelo. Jo 14 viikon kohdalla aiti on n. 7-8 kiloa pulskempi kuin ennen raskautta. Jollei aiti itse huomaa rintojen alle syntynytta koko vatsan kokoista kumparetta niin ymparisto kylla alkaa huomautella asiasta."

Joo, talla kertaa en kokenut onnistumisen tunnetta taman lehden parissa. Taidan olla huono aiti jo nyt kun en osannut kasvattaa pienta 2-3 kilon kumparetta. Perkele. :(

Posted by hunnuh at 12:09 AM
Updated: Sunday, 24 October 2004 6:53 PM
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Tuesday, 12 October 2004
Megababes in bikinis
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: SI Swimsuit Special (minus music track)
Topic: journal
Oh my, let's see if my counter jumps because of the words of today's topic. If someone reads this because of those words, then good riddance to you too! :)

Have any of you ever watched Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Special without music, just looking at almost nude women posing and listening to them talking? No, I didn't think so. I don't know why I'm doing it either. OK, I do, but I won't tell you.

I think it looks quite stupid. These models are really perfect-looking and I guess they would be sexy, but they really need music going in the background. That's because they don't really have anything to say - and how could you if your life long ambition would be to pose on SI?

Posted by hunnuh at 12:20 PM
Updated: Tuesday, 12 October 2004 12:21 PM
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I always thought Irish Gaelic was a beautiful language, but the male voice on these pages made me rethink...

Another thing (beside the choice of voice) I didn't understand about these pages was the impossible pace at which the words are uttered. Don't they want anyone to learn their language? ;)

Posted by hunnuh at 11:53 PM
Updated: Tuesday, 12 October 2004 12:07 AM
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Friday, 8 October 2004
Mood:  energetic
Topic: journal
Loysin mielenkiintoiset kielenopiskelusivut, tosin hiukka turhan tieteelliset auttaakseen oppimaan. Koskahan sita jaksaisi hakeutua opiskelemaan iiria sen verran, etta oppisi lausumaan tekstia? Nain laulajan nakokulmasta se usein riittaisi, silla laulunsanoista ei ole vaikea loytaa englanninnoksia. Tuonne sivuille voisi sitten palata kun olisi oppinut ensin perusasiat kaytannossa.

Jos voit suositella hyvaa iirinkurssiaanitetta niin kommenttia kehiin!

Posted by hunnuh at 10:50 AM
Updated: Friday, 8 October 2004 11:26 AM
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Monday, 4 October 2004
Working late
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: RBION #418
Topic: me, myself and us
Today we went for the first communal check up. It took more time than I had expected, so Kalle almost missed his beauty sleep as he was working late last night and our appointment was early in the morning. I told him to forget work and go back to sleep 'till noon - and it was best for everyone since he sure was cranky that man! :)

After all the hassle about questions, forms, database inputs and leaflets we finally got to the point where the doppler machine was against my stomach and we could hear a steady 140-150 bpm pulse. So it's still alive!

I told people at work, and most of them seemed to be genuinely happy for me. Some of them also know about my miscarriages so they understand how happy I must be. Women that have children will undoubtedly talk to me more, not necessarily listening so much but reflecting their own memories on me...

Anyway, I guess I have to try and eat more healthful food since my weight has gone up 8 kilos already. I have to eat all the time to prevent nausea, so I'm getting really fat if I don't watch what I eat. Either that, or - as my dear husband so lovingly pointed out - this baby is gonna be one heavy dude! :)

Posted by hunnuh at 7:56 PM
Updated: Wednesday, 6 October 2004 11:59 AM
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Tuesday, 28 September 2004
A long weekend
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Street Time
Topic: journal
Eipa paassyt talkoisiin kukaan tana viikonloppuna. Tosin panin viestiakin lahinna niille, jotka eivat viela ole kertaakaan olleet.

Aina ei viitsi samoilta ihmisilta edes kysya, kun ne muutamat on olleet jo monta kertaa. Taytyyhan sita muillekin tarjota mahdollisuus! No, ajankohta oli osalle huono ja osa ei ehka edes lukenut mailejaan ajoissa. Sahkopostia suurempaan organisointiin ei vaan energiaa riittanyt kun piti saada hommiakin tehtya.

On vaan mahtava juttu saada apua silloin kun sita tarvitsee. Toivottavasti oppii sita itsekin tarjoamaan.

Mun taytyi sitten kayttaa eilen yks vapaapaiva, etta saatin mutsin kanssa tyomaasiivous ajoissa tehtya. Sunnuntain upea maalausilma tuli onneksi hyvin kaytettya, tosin ikavasti pienemmalla porukalla kuin oli sunniteltu. Lauantain sadeilmallakin hommia saatiin eteenpain ja lisaksi kaakelit vihdoin valittua.

Kerkisimme pistaytya Saijan tupareissakin ja tormasimme Elinaan. Sentaan vahan sosiaalista elamaakin mahtui viikonloppuun! :)

Posted by hunnuh at 4:37 PM
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Wednesday, 22 September 2004
Bleeding nose bleed
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: jazz from the radio
Topic: me, myself and us
Yesterday morning I woke up at 6.30 am because I felt my nose bleed. What a crappy way to wake up! At least I was laying on my back so the blood went in and there was no mess on the pillow.

I've kind of learned to not sleep on my stomack because of the constant nausea. Yesterday mornign the nausea was gone, however, and that made me anxious about the baby. I went to check my blood pressure and it was normal so the nose bleed is probably not linked to for instance toxemia.

I still don't feel nauseous enough. Hope everything's still OK. Yes, I realize it doesn't help to worry too much.

Posted by hunnuh at 12:56 PM
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