Mood: special
Now Playing: Street Time
Topic: deepthought
I hope the reader is familiar with the idea of Paying It Forward. Everybody should consider the idea of helping a perfect stranger without wanting anything in return, except the promise (s)he will in turn help three perfect strangers, given the opportunity.
Today, I'm thinking of my friends. Sometimes it feels I get more from someone than what I would be even able to give back. Sometimes something I've done for a friend gets much more appreciation than I never would have expected.
But friendship is more than a mutual exchange of favours, isn't it? If I heard someone did something just so they could expect a favour in return, I would consider it a business relationship.
You don't expect favours from friends. But you give favours whenever it feels the right thing to do and only when you feel you can do it without bitterness. That way you can't get into debt. And you should not make a friend owe you, either. If someone feels that way, you could just ask them to pay friendship forward three times and that's it.
Posted by hunnuh
at 2:55 PM