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Hunnuh's Drying Well Of Deep Thought
Tuesday, 28 September 2004
A long weekend
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Street Time
Topic: journal
Eipa paassyt talkoisiin kukaan tana viikonloppuna. Tosin panin viestiakin lahinna niille, jotka eivat viela ole kertaakaan olleet.

Aina ei viitsi samoilta ihmisilta edes kysya, kun ne muutamat on olleet jo monta kertaa. Taytyyhan sita muillekin tarjota mahdollisuus! No, ajankohta oli osalle huono ja osa ei ehka edes lukenut mailejaan ajoissa. Sahkopostia suurempaan organisointiin ei vaan energiaa riittanyt kun piti saada hommiakin tehtya.

On vaan mahtava juttu saada apua silloin kun sita tarvitsee. Toivottavasti oppii sita itsekin tarjoamaan.

Mun taytyi sitten kayttaa eilen yks vapaapaiva, etta saatin mutsin kanssa tyomaasiivous ajoissa tehtya. Sunnuntain upea maalausilma tuli onneksi hyvin kaytettya, tosin ikavasti pienemmalla porukalla kuin oli sunniteltu. Lauantain sadeilmallakin hommia saatiin eteenpain ja lisaksi kaakelit vihdoin valittua.

Kerkisimme pistaytya Saijan tupareissakin ja tormasimme Elinaan. Sentaan vahan sosiaalista elamaakin mahtui viikonloppuun! :)

Posted by hunnuh at 4:37 PM
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Wednesday, 22 September 2004
Bleeding nose bleed
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: jazz from the radio
Topic: me, myself and us
Yesterday morning I woke up at 6.30 am because I felt my nose bleed. What a crappy way to wake up! At least I was laying on my back so the blood went in and there was no mess on the pillow.

I've kind of learned to not sleep on my stomack because of the constant nausea. Yesterday mornign the nausea was gone, however, and that made me anxious about the baby. I went to check my blood pressure and it was normal so the nose bleed is probably not linked to for instance toxemia.

I still don't feel nauseous enough. Hope everything's still OK. Yes, I realize it doesn't help to worry too much.

Posted by hunnuh at 12:56 PM
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Monday, 13 September 2004
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: -nothing-
Topic: journal
Kaksi viikonloppua meni Seija Metsarinteen pitamalla Nayttelijan taide -kurssilla.

Kyllahan se tyosta kavisi tuollainen ammatti. Joutuisi antamaan itsestaan paljon enemman kuin missaan normaaliduunissa. Juuri harjoitusvaiheessa tuo tyo on rankkaa kun ei viela tieda mihin oikeastaan edes on pyrkimassa. Nayttamolla olo on tietysti juhlaa sinansa. Vaikka minusta oli monesti antoisampaa analysoida muiden "suorituksia" kuin olla itse tekemassa! Vahan pain vastoin kuin improkurssilla.

Kiinnitan nyt paljon enemman huomiota leffojen nayttelijasuorituksiin, joissa nayttelija sanoo olemuksellaan jotain aivan muuta kuin mita hanen suustaan tulevat sanat. Sita harjoiteltiin kurssilla ja siina sita on tyostamista. Vaikka jokapaivaisessa elamassa se tapahtuu ihan luonnostaan koko ajan...

Posted by hunnuh at 5:06 PM
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Thursday, 2 September 2004
Elaman taidetta
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: -work-
Topic: journal
Eilen tuli kaytya Ateneumissa Albert Edelfeltin nayttelyn avajaisissa, seka sielta pikapikaa riennettya entisen luokkakaverini taidenayttelyn avajaisiin Galleria Uusitaloon.

Jalkimmainen tilaisuus heratti ajatuksia ystavyyksista, jotka ovat hiipuneet tuon kouluajan jalkeen. Paikalla oli minulle ennen niin laheisia ihmisia, joihin yhteys on hiipunut kohteliaisuuden asteelle. Kenties olemme ihmisia, jotka ovat olleet toistensa kanssa laheisia vallitsevien olosuhteiden emmeka henkilokohtaisten ominaisuuksiemma takia.

En silti tunne ikavaa tai surua asiasta. Ehka elamantilanteiden muuttuessa meidan kaikkien kohdalla kay viela niinkin, etta tutustumme uudestaan. Ja jos ei niin on silti hyva tietaa, etta he ovat elossa ja voivat (ainakin paalta katsoen) hyvin.

Posted by hunnuh at 1:37 PM
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Tuesday, 31 August 2004
Didn't happen
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: -nothing-
Topic: journal
Got e-mail today from a potential employer. They were sorry to say that I was not selected.

I'm kind of disappointed not having had a go at an interview - but I hear there were over 150 applicants so no luck, I guess.

Still, it's not bad working here at least not today. My new boss is OK and I got a new cell phone and everything feels just dandy. Why not enjoy it while it lasts? :)

Posted by hunnuh at 4:46 PM
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Third ultra
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: -office noise-
Topic: me, myself and us
We had a second checkup (9+5) for the baby and it seemed to be OK! The doctor said that we might want to start enjoying this pregnancy now. Although it's not quite 12 weeks yet, we should be in the clear already.

She said I should contact the municipal system now and start going to the normal maternity clinic if I want to.

Posted by hunnuh at 9:32 AM
Updated: Wednesday, 22 September 2004 1:59 PM
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Thursday, 19 August 2004
Second US
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: radio
We had a morning appointment at the fertility clinic. The doctor said our baby is 7+5 weeks old basing on it's measurements and it is still alive!

Cool, but I've had slight brown bleeding every day this week so I can't be entirely hopeful. The doctor said a small amount of brown blood could be normal but of course it would be better if I didn't bleed at all.

Hmm, trying not to bleed any more... :)

Posted by hunnuh at 9:47 AM
Updated: Friday, 17 September 2004 10:45 PM
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Monday, 16 August 2004
Nothing is certain except uncertainty
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: -nothing-
We went to the doctor's last Thursday and it seemed to be OK, just a little too small for its weeks. I hope it's not dead already. There was a heartbeat on ultrasound so it wasn't dead on Thursday at least.

Today Kalle was on business abroad and I noticed some bleeding going to the toilet. Not fresh blood and not much. Still, my mindset is definitely on mc now. I tried to surf the internet and I found some reassuring notions about this being normal. But my pregnancies have not been normal before, so why keep up the hope? Breasts are not sore anymore. I think it's a gonner, waiting to happen.

Posted by hunnuh at 9:24 PM
Updated: Friday, 17 September 2004 10:50 PM
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Wednesday, 4 August 2004
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Now Playing: radio naapurin tyopoydalla
Topic: journal
Kavimme Kallen ja Katjan kanssa eilen Kinopalatsissa katsomassa uuden Harry Potterin ennakkoon. Olipa loistavaa kayda elokuvissa ilman tyypillista 15 minuutin mainoshelvettia, joka onnistuu aina pilaamaan tunnelman! Muut mainokset kuin leffatrailerit pitaisi kieltaa leffateattereista, tai ainakin myyda reilusti halvemmat liput mainontaa sisaltaviin esityksiin.

Olimme kaikki kolme sita mielta, etta kyseessa oli tahan mennessa paras Potter-elokuva. Eika ollenkaan huono fantasiaelokuva muutenkaan. Tosin on jalkikateen hieman vaikea asettua sellaisen asemaan, jolle hahmot ja tapahtumat eivat jo ole kirjoista tuttuja... mutta valiako halla, kun leffan perimmainen tarkoitus lienee saada sellainenkin yleiso lopulta tarttumaan kirjoihin selvittaakseen mista oikein oli kysymys.

Paivan linkki:

Posted by hunnuh at 2:58 PM
Updated: Monday, 16 August 2004 9:17 PM
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Friday, 30 July 2004
Friday feelings
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Kiss FM besides office noise
Topic: journal
I just saw Jamie Oliver cook delicious looking roast chicken. Why don't we have organic chicken here in Finland?

Jamie has some legendary opinions, like: "Potatoes are the king of vegetables. Anyone that said they weren't, would be a liar, cause they're important, aren't they?".

You could just change anything in stead of the "potatoe" and "vegetables" and be prepared for a serious argument. Sure! :)

Posted by hunnuh at 2:10 PM
Updated: Wednesday, 13 October 2004 11:59 AM
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