On maternity leave (at last!)
not sure
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Topic: me, myself and us
I've been on maternity leave for a week now. My calendar has been full the whole time.
Work-related things have gone through my mind during a couple of phone calls from my substitute and on a work-related course on Wednesday. Otherwise it's been a pleasure not having to go to work. There is so much more to do!
The maternity hospital arranges lectures about childbirth, childcare, relaxing techniques, parental sexuality and so on... I've been on every single one of them. It's so nice to get away from the building site that we call home. Even if it is gets better day by day as Kalle works on it. I am useless at building, save for phone calls and shopping.
My mother has been a big help during last week, she has varnished our paneled ceilings. I was exhausted just watching her and couldn't participate. Actually I just cried my eyes out about how "this house is never going to be finished" and how "the walls are coming down on me". It must have been wonderful to work under my hopeless influence!
The crappy feeling has haunted me a lot during pregnancy. I can feel perfectly normal and then one little thing doesn't go my way and I go ballistic. Or I just start to cry and don't see the light at the tunnel's end at all.
Which reminds me, I have to go eat my vitamins. This mood swing thing might all be chemical. Also I've had the flu for several months now and it keeps me down. Sometimes only my nose is blocked-up, sometimes it's so bad I can't get out of bed, sometimes, like today, I get uncontrollable cough attacks. The cough is horrible.
I am still going to do something useful before I have the baby! At least I've collected old sheets, cushions and so on to charity. They need those kind of things at
HESY (It's an association that keeps a house for abandoned pets in Helsinki).
This is my petty little life at the moment. How's yours?
Posted by hunnuh
at 10:55 PM